My 2015 Reading List

04 January 2015

In 2015, I'll be turning 20. Isn't that such a weird time? Like I will no longer be a teenager, I will be entering my twenties... How is this even possible?!!? Turning 20 is such a pivotal time especially for a young woman, so I decided to hit Google and research books that women in their 20's must read (according to a bunch of internet enthusiasts). I glimpsed the summaries and picked some books from a bunch of lists, and here is what I came up with.

So there are like 20-something books on my reading list, and I'm sure I will stick some more on here or take some off, but for right now - this is what it's gonna be. And being completely honest, I don't even know if there is any way I could even finish 20 books in a year with school and whatever else I do, so this may roll over onto my 2016 reading list. This year, I am going to try to do more book reviews on the blog, so hopefully you'll be hearing more about these books as the year goes on. 

If you need some books to read and are in about the same age range as I am - look them up! Now most of these are probably more for women, but men, feel free to take a peek because I'm sure there are some for you too! The links lead to Amazon, where you can read a summary and buy them yourself (usually for cheaper)!

First Draft

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  1. The Undocumented Mark Steyn
    The Conservatarian Manifesto

  2. One of my New Year resolutions is to get into the habbit of reading, looks like you have done a good research, so I am going to pick one from your list :)

    1. I know it's so hard to just sit down sometimes and read, but once you get into a book you'll be so thankful you did! One of the best ways of learning... And yay! If you finish one, let me know how it is so I know what to read next :)

  3. I'm reading the Game of Thrones series too!! (finally) I'm not too far, but I'm enjoying it.

    The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls was amazing, and I think she has another book (or two) out that are great as well. I read it in high school for a class, and it's become one of my all time favorites. Its a memoir, and incredibly well written. I had to remind myself that it wasn't fiction when I read it, because that's what it seemed like. Its a little surreal at times, but hits home in incredible ways.

    1. I'm on the third book of GoT! Seriously, if you watch the show, it doesn't even compare! I stopped watching after the first season because I read the books before, so it just didn't cut it for me. I have to kind of stop sometimes though and take breaks.... Kind of heavy reading. Thanks! I'll definitely add it on, sounds great.
